Chimera For Mac Os X


My biggest disappointment in OS X was the bloated and slow browser rendering by that Microsoft thingie, OmniWeb, and Netscape. I jumped on Chimera at version 4 and was amazed by the speed of it compared to what I had been using. It crashes once every few thousand pages but I can live with that. I just hope the authors keep it lean and mean. Chimera Chimera Bug Reports Chimera Feature Requests General Source Chimera Archived Threads iBoot / rBoot Downloads The Clubhouse Bat Cave Forum News Polls. Mac OS X Support Mac Software Other Apple Hardware Laptops Laptop Compatibility Big Sur Laptop Support Big Sur Laptop Guides Catalina Laptop Support. Chimera on Mac OS X using native Aqua windows. Chimera versions are available for X windows and for native Aqua windows. We recommend the X windows version because of the many problems with the current port of the Aqua Tk window toolkit that Chimera uses. Requirements Chimera runs on Mac OS. Chimera on Mac OS X using native Aqua windows. Chimera versions are available for X windows and for native Aqua windows. We recommend the X windows version because of the many problems with the current port of the Aqua Tk window toolkit that Chimera uses. Requirements Chimera runs on Mac OS 10.2 and later. It is not available for Mac OS 10.1.

Current Production Releases

Chimera For Mac Os X 10.8

  • See therelease notesfor a list of new features and other information.
  • For more recent changes,use thesnapshotanddailybuilds; they are less tested but usually reliable.
  • 64-bit Releases:

    PlatformInstaller, Size, and ChecksumDateNotes
    Microsoft Windows 64-bitchimera-1.14-win64.exe
    Size: 152229635 bytes
    MD5: a3eddc25f84e55c4c49ff6f6f6f7643b
    Nov 13, 2019Instructions
    Runs on Windows 7 or later.
    Mac OS X 64-bitchimera-1.14-mac64.dmg
    Size: 135741903 bytes
    MD5: c763aa87af928ae6dc7d39a8f6bf92d5
    Nov 13, 2019Instructions
    Runs on Mac OS X 10.10 or later. To start Chimera on 10.15 (Catalina) or later, you need to right-click (or control-click) on the app icon and choose 'Open' from the popup menu. This is only necessary the first time you use it. Thereafter it can be started normally.
    Linux 64-bitchimera-1.14-linux_x86_64.bin
    Size: 157644313 bytes
    MD5: d6e92ee2f988544cd68634a36015a3e1
    Nov 13, 2019Instructions
    Compiled on CentOS 5.11.
  • 32-bit releases are no longer supported.

Daily Builds

  • These are the results of our automated build procedure.They are untested but are usually reliable while includingthe latest Chimera features.
  • 64-bit Builds:

    PlatformInstaller, Size, and ChecksumDateNotes
    Microsoft Windows 64-bitchimera-alpha-win64.exe
    Size: 152165806 bytes
    MD5: ab49bb0b3f7de43d24dfd383de410ed7
    Oct 09, 2020(See production version for installation instructions)
    Runs on Windows 7 or later.
    Release notes
    Mac OS X 64-bitchimera-alpha-mac64.dmg
    Size: 191657487 bytes
    MD5: e3237842171c216455fd6fe2eb5fceec
    Oct 09, 2020(See production version for installation instructions)
    Runs on Mac OS X 10.12 or later.
    Release notes
    Linux 64-bitchimera-alpha-linux_x86_64.bin
    Size: 153910727 bytes
    MD5: f11bded18804bab99daa2cd047bd7f70
    Oct 09, 2020(See production version for installation instructions)
    Compiled on CentOS 5.11.
    Release notes
    Headless Linux 64-bitchimera-alpha-linux_x86_64_osmesa.bin
    Size: 147837486 bytes
    MD5: d5cf6aa2a69c5b5bb5f15b10e7e0fb21
    Oct 09, 2020(See production version for installation instructions)
    For (web) servers. Compiled on CentOS 5.11.
    Release notes
  • 32-bit builds are no longer supported.

Snapshot Releases

  • These are development snapshots, not tested as much as the production releases.
  • Currently there are no snapshot releases.

Unsupported Releases

  • These are releases for platforms that we might support in the futureor used to support.
  • 64-bit Releases:

    PlatformInstaller, Size, and ChecksumDateNotes
    HP Tru64 Unixchimera-1.3-tru64.exe
    Size: 95937093 bytes
    MD5: 7a84b2a39371a077c51bc348db057f28
    Dec 09, 2008Instructions
    Runs on Tru64 5.1B.
    Headless Linux 64-bitchimera-1.14-linux_x86_64_osmesa.bin
    Size: 151586712 bytes
    MD5: f89c312cfc85b604a88e6f9bcb3b926c
    Nov 13, 2019Instructions
    For (web) servers. Compiled on CentOS 5.11.
  • 32-bit Releases (for small memory computers):

    PlatformInstaller, Size, and ChecksumDateNotes
    Mac OS Xchimera-1.11.2-mac.dmg
    Size: 103774888 bytes
    MD5: fa2ccd9c17c456d71088e81129c862d6
    Dec 02, 2016Instructions
    Runs on Mac OS X 10.8 or later.
    Mac OS X (X Windows)chimera-1.11.2-mac_x11.dmg
    Size: 91230485 bytes
    MD5: a42b0463f5d51ff845cc459cd3de66c3
    Dec 02, 2016Instructions
    Runs on Mac OS X 10.8 or later.
    Size: 119742278 bytes
    MD5: 47dd12fbcbcfe01ea678599dd7001a6b
    Dec 02, 2016Instructions
    Compiled on Debian 4 (etch).
    SGI IRIXchimera-1.3-irix.exe
    Size: 91949632 bytes
    MD5: 503399e4bcddd58d736e686925feefeb
    Dec 09, 2008Instructions
    Runs on IRIX 6.5.10+ with current C++ runtime patches.
    Headless Linuxchimera-1.11.2-linux_osmesa.bin
    Size: 113253259 bytes
    MD5: 4f8b829bf5838566ba7a3afefdccb02d
    Dec 02, 2016Instructions
    For (web) servers. Compiled on Debian 4 (etch).

Chimera - The newest OS X browser | 38 comments | Create New Account
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The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.

I just grabbed Chimera - I'm pretty happy with it thus far. For one thing, it can use last week's pick of the week Cocoa Gestures, which I'm getting used to. I'm a little worried that my wrist is sore, but that's not going to stop me from using a flick of the wrist to move between tabs!
It grabbed my Mozilla bookmarks just fine, and had fewer preferences to set, at least from the GUI. It seems to work with all of my previously installed plugins. It's pretty to look at. It uses a drawer to bring up your bookmark list (although it has trouble resizing the window when it's done). It uses the main keychain to store web passwords, instead of its own password control stuff.
It doesn't have form memory, but I barely use that. Cookies seem to work fine, although it obviously didn't grab all of my Mozilla cookies.
Happy thus far, going to use it for a while, and I might dump Mozilla too...
All right, I'm being really crazy with the mouse gestures now... :o)

I'm using v0.6 (and 10.2.2). The speed with which it draws its pages is about 50-75% faster than IE. It has crashed once in the last week but IE locks up far more often. There are some sites (like banking) for which IE is still required and also some sites (like University of Phoenix's student area) where some elements aren't displayed. I do not fault Chimera for this as the HTML is of the Microsoft-proprietary variety. Obviously some programmers at UoPhx looking for job security (or too stupid to know that you do webpages based on real standards).
Oh, almost forgot! The smoothing of the fonts in Chimera is -way- superior to IE. I'd like to see some add'l prefs to give me tabbing to just text fields instead of to every link on the page (that's Windoze crapola).
Bottom line: I'm very impressed and, in fact, using it to write this post.

Since Chimera still is work in progress I need to use Mozilla too.
Therefore, I want to share preferences between Chimera and Mozilla (yes I know you are not recommended to do this, but I backup everything everyday so I can take the risk), but neither aliasing my ~/Library/Mozilla to ~/Library/Application Support/Chimera or soft linking (ln -s) them works. I have more than one profile, i.e., I don't want to fix (link/alias) every profile's bookmarks, chrome, cookies, history etc.

i've been using chimera as my fulltime browser since .4
The newest build is just marvelous. Its still slack on features, but i'll tell you what... I haven't had a popup in about 5 months, and thats the truth. And i don't have to run some other application to do it. That in it self is worth it. I am also addicted to tab browsing, its great, i mainly use it on my ibook, but its the greatest.
I NEVER use IE anymore, and can't stand it. The only thing i use it for is for my online Bank, and I think it will be like that for a long while, i'm sure it would work just fine, but they seem to think it won't.
I'd like to see the option of putting in my own info for the browser detection, like Konqueror does in KDE.
If you haven't tried it yet, its fast, stable, low in memory, low in cpu, and looks just great. Go get and trash your old browser....

It's definitely faster to load and faster to run that Mozilla - I've been using Mozilla for a month or two now, so IE is a distant memory. Whenever I use someone else's computer, I freak out when I get a pop-up. They're a faded bad memory :o).
The popup disabler in Chimera is a little too absolute... at least compared to Mozilla. Specifically, they way some sites do their go-to menus, they simply don't work because Chimera kills the JS call. Some sites are even obnoxious enough to not have a regular go button next to said menu, so I have to look at the source code and figure out the links myself. ::sigh::
I've only used it for about 20 minutes, but I'm happy. Now I just have to proselytize a little :o). allows you to change the useragent. I havent tried this with chimera yet, but works with mozilla.

its just a BROWSWER, not an irc client, news reader, email client, and whatever else comes with the bloatware they call mozilla....

I agree... it took effort to make Mozilla's other 'features' stay out of my way. Not as bad as Nutscrape 6, but still mildly annoying. I like everything separate, so I can pick exactly what I want out of a mail/news reader, IRC/AIM/ICQ/etc client.
I won't swear off Mozilla until I see Chimera flex its muscles a little, and make sure that it won't do anything undesirable on a regular basis. I hate to say it, but it's seeming more and more like Mozilla might go the way of IE and Netscape, as far as my Browser tastes are concerned.
I look forward to Chimera's continued development.
Speaking of which, why is the app just called Navigator, and not Chimera?

...with the Pinstrip theme. I found Chimera nice, but I like Mozilla's popup handling a little better. I don't find Mozilla any slower (not noticably anyway) than Chimera.

Chimera is truly awesome. I've looked at it several times over the past few months, but with the relase of version 0.6 I've finally migrated to using it as my full-time browser. Sure, it's missing a few features, and the popup-blocking is just a tad strict, but it's still a heck of a lot better than IE.

Chimera Mac Os X Download

Chimera was originally posted to OS X Hints (by me!) about 8 months ago..
Back than it rendered pages and not much else, now I use Chimera as my default browser. I wonder how long it will be until OS X ships with Chimera set as default :P

You can edit the Chimera preferences files to do almost ANYTHING.
I using website icons in Chimera right now!
Use with care...

Chimera for mac os x 10.10

I don't know why, but i have found Chimera 0.6 to be really unstable.
For a long time i have ran Chimera 0.5, and it would very very rarely crash on me. However, now that i have 0.6 all it does is crash on me, several times a day.
I cannot figure out what the problem is, but it may be just me. But its really unstable! I'm on OSX 10.2.2 (just updated) on a PowerBook G4 DVI.
If it keeps doing it to me, i'll have to downgrade to 0.5 (or try the nightly builds which may fix it), or just use Mozilla.
Anyone else been having stability problems with 0.6?
And yes, WHY IS it called Navigator instead of Chimera? Its strange. Even in About it says Navigator.

Yeah, since 0.5 I've had no end of problems with it. I don't know why- a friend of mine uses it almost exclusively and has no problems.. Just updated to 10.2.2 last night, on my old-school iMac DV. I used to use it about half the time, from 0.2-0.3 to 0.4. Now it barely handles one page before it crashes.

Hey, I like it too.
yeah I do miss the open window BEHIND menu that Omni has but recently Chimera refuses to download anything. It opens the download window and counts the seconds but never downloads a thing, DRAT!
I trashed the prefs files and reinstalled, still nothing.
Oh well I guess that's why it is release 0.6

I had this problem, when I went to pages serving shockwave flash. If you look at the news section of Chimera's site there is a link to the 6.0 beta shockwave flash plugin. Since I updated my plugin, I have not had a problem.

I found 0.6 to be less stable than various builds of 0.5 so I went and downloaded the latest nightly build (which I do regularly automate this with ChimeraKnight) and found my stability issues greatly improved. Here's the link for those who need it:
Here is ChimeraKnight:

My biggest disappointment in OS X was the bloated and slow browser rendering by that Microsoft thingie, OmniWeb, and Netscape. I jumped on Chimera at version 4 and was amazed by the speed of it compared to what I had been using. It crashes once every few thousand pages but I can live with that. I just hope the authors keep it lean and mean. It does what a browser was meant to do.


i've done some real timed studies...
since i can't even count to two-banana on rendering some moderately complex pages, i consider it to be the fastest kid on the block ;]

The only thing I really miss in Chimera is the 'Open link behind this window' feature that OmniWeb has. Chimera lets me open all new links behind the current window if I want, but I want to be able to choose via the right-click contextual menu whether to open a link in a window in front of the current one or behind it.

You can open the tab behind a window used the command key click method.
Famous galeon move that Chimera adapted. Now it is my default browser thanks to 10.2.2 it works as default finally.

The new issue of Macworld has speed comparisons for all the OSX browsers. Chimera comes out on top in loading many of the pages they tested it on but, didn't do so well in their 'Speedmark Test' and 'Launchtime' test.
Also, because it is beta software, Macworld wouldn't give it a rating.

I switched to Chimear about a month ago and have not looked back. It is by far the best, most stable of the OS X browsers. I was using Mozilla, but it is developing serious bloat, and there is a long standing bug in it where typing on my machine (and other peoples) is EXCRUCIATINGLY slow. Letters appear one at a time...sloooooowly. Constant bug reports concerning the issue for over 3 months have yielded no fix. So I gave Mozilla the boot!
Does anyone know when Chimera will support keywords like Mozilla though? I really likethat feature. Define a keyword in your bookmarks and you can simply type that in to the URL field instead of the full URL. The bookmark dialog has the keyword field but it does not seem to function.

Check it out. It's a must have!

I'm staying with OmniWeb for now, for 2 reasons.
1) user configured banner ad filtering.
2) user configured cookie management,
If Chimera offered those two, I'd be very tempted.


Chimera (the newest version) does have user managed cookie controls.

Mozilla still is the primary browser on my systems.
I will not have any MS product on my computers, so IE is out.
Omniweb does not do CSS very well at all. I really like Omniweb, but I will not use it until they fix the CSS support.
Chimera still has problems with CSS. It also does not have the features that I need as a web developer. The image blocking needs to be added. I really like how links from other programs will open in tabs, and I really like that its fast.
Mozilla. If only it had less bloat. I only use the browser part of Mozilla. I love the image blocking, but it really needs to show what site the image is from like how Galeon does. I hate that it selects the whole URL in the URL field on one click. I will click on something and start typing and it will erase the whole damm url.
So, none of the browsers are perfect yet, but Mozilla is still number 1 here. Chimera and Omniweb are in 2nd place.
Thats my 2 cents...

i use chimera as my default browser. it runs great. only since i set the disk cache to 0 manually, it tends to crash more.
but on ething i would love to see: being able to configure popup-blocking more. for instance, turn on popups for certain sites, while disallowing them for all others. then i'd be in heaven :) (i need this feature fpr a certain site i am working for)

I too just grabbed Chimera and one thing it doesn't do is keep the formatting of copied text like IE does. I copy information from OS X Hints and paste into a Tex-Edit Plus (not TextEdit) document for archiving and the yellow headlines and other formatting such as Rob uses for AppleScript is kept. I miss this. Is there a way around this? I never understood how the formating carries to some word processors and not others.
Typing speed on a web page seems to lag just a bit more than in IE. Can be about a half a character late.
I do like tabbed browsing, handy when looking up related information. Sort of good to open favorite sites together except when one goes to that tab and only wants to see one of the pages and they all download.
Thanks for listening.

Chimera, Navagator, Whatever, while still not my default browser is very good and very fast. It is mostly only went TU on me once. It needs to support a few more standards before I make it my defauly browser. The best feature of the browser to me is the storing of site passwords in the system keychain. Something that has been lacking on the Mac platform.

I love Chimera Navigator.
But... in 10.2.1 Chimera 0.6 had the ability to drag links
into the Dock like Explorer and others have.
After updating to 10.2.2 and restoring my backup copy of Chimera 0.6
this feature doesnt work anymore.
Anybody have the similar problem?

I really like Chimera and have been using it as my full-time browser since the 0.6 release a few weeks ago. I *really* like tabbed-window browsing. (If you haven't tried Chimera yet, this single feature alone may be enough to sell you on it). The two problems I have are that it tends to crash a bit more often than IE does and that the browser History feature isn't quite finished. (Actually the function IS there, but presently you have to do a Preference file hack to enable it in the UI and it's a bit slow). HOWEVER, I'm perfectly aware it's a work in progress and in fairness to the development team, each release is huge leap forward in usability. Still, if you haven't yet tried Chimera, go check it out.

I've just started using Chimera as my default browser. By the December 20th build, at least, the history has been added to the sidebar. Additional features such as greater toolbar customization options have been added as well. The addition of 'create a new tab' and 'send link' buttons and the ability to use smaller toolbar icons are very handy additions that tipped the scale enough for me to try this out full time (was using Mozilla as default browser). Get the newest Chimera build by searching for Chimera at or going to the Chimera project page. --Books

Chimera For Mac Os X 10.7

Reading all those positive comments about Chimera let me feel quite frustrated... I tried to use Chimera as my primary browser but couldn't. Some pages won't load, displaying instead a blank page, like :
Same thing happens with Netscape 7 and Mozilla 1.2b
No one seems to be able to find a solution for this...
If anyone has a clue, I'll happy to read it.
Thanks in advance

Chimera For Mac Os X 10.10

The problem is javascipt.
Look at the sources of the pages.
It will become clear

Try to resize the window a little - most of the pages I encounter this problem with will suddently show when I force a refresh this way. This is also a known problem with IE...
- Søren

Hide Chimera / Shared menus available 11/14 nightly build

Anyone ever notice that Chimera reacts very oddly to Hide commands in OS X. For instance - with Chimera open in the background, select Hide Others in the Finder menu. Everything will hide except Chimera. Sometime if you click in a Chimera window it will then hide, sometimes it will hide and then reappear as soon as you click anywhere else. Very odd!
Also - as of the Nov 14 nightly build - Chimera finally supports shared menus (partially). This is great news for people who use things like URL Manager Pro with a system-shared menu for access to bookmark files. Still no go with Web Confidential yet - hopefully soon!

Chimera For Mac Os X 10.13

The scrolling seems a lot smoother in Chimera.
I had compared the latest Moz & Chimera dev binaries (nightlies), and this seems to be true.