Dahua Player For Mac


  1. Best Video Player For Mac
  2. Gom Player For Mac
IPVMU Certified | 06/17/14 01:05pm

I've just had my first play with some Dahua cameras and DVR. When exporting video clips, they are exported in a proprietary Dahua .DAV movie format. VLC Player recognises it is some kind of H.264 movie and correctly reports it's resolution, but cannot play the file. Fortunately the Dahua DVR also exports a copy of their player software for Windows.

Generally speaking, DVR365 player can be helpful in playing DAV videos on Windows. But until now, there is no Mac version available. The only way left for all is to choose to use the converting programs to convert the DAV file to other video formats compatible with Mac media players. I've just had my first play with some Dahua cameras and DVR. When exporting video clips, they are exported in a proprietary Dahua.DAV movie format. VLC Player recognises it is some kind of H.264 movie and correctly reports it's resolution, but cannot play the file. Fortunately the Dahua DVR a.


Best Video Player For Mac


After some digging around, I've found a good and free player of Dahua .DAV files for Mac OS X. It's called Mac Smart Player. There are a number of sites which host this software but you have to pay to download it. However it is publicly available as a free download from Security Camera King.

Gom Player For Mac

What I'd love to know is, who wrote this software and what is the original and official source of this software for any future updates? I can find no hint of the source of this software in the application itself.